Board >> Discuss Lessons >> Bossa Dorado >> Fast E7 Lick Meas. 29

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I'm having trouble getting this up to speed and seem to have hit a limit.

Is the all-downstrokes the fastest or would alternate picking for 2 notes on the same string be easier?

Also, I think I hear an extra note at the beginning of the lick in the chromatic part going up to the first E note on the 5th string but I can't figure it out.


--- Last Edited by Bones at 2013-04-07 16:16:59 ---

--- Last Edited by Bones at 2013-04-07 16:17:30 ---
Hey Bones, I had the same problem (for a very long time ;-)). In the beginning alternate picking seemed the most fast way for me to pick two notes on one string. But after a while I realised that it didn't seem like "Gypsy" any more. I went back to playing all downstrokes, and eventually it really payed off.
I think the key is that you have to focus more on your (loose) right hand and everytime you practice (slow in the beginning) being aware of the motion your hand makes. You have to avoid tension in your hand/wrist/arm. I also think you have to hold your pick very loose (not too much) to get it right.
I'm not sure if it works for you, but it works for me. ;-)Good luck!

Ok, first the basics:

1. Pick from the wrist
2. Hold your pick lightly
3. Pick lightly (Stochelo picks very light as well)
4. Angle the pick slightly forwards (you should be able to see your own right wrist).

If this is all right you will get there. Now start practicing methodically with a metronome. Start on 80BPM. If you're comfortable (you can play it 10 times in a row without mistakes) go to 85, 90, 95. Now stop and pick it up the next day (or a few hours later). Now start at 95, 100, 105, 110 and stop again. Continue like this.

Eventually you will hit a ceiling. Dial the metronome back 8 tempos (so if your ceiling was at 200 go back to 160) and start from there. It's important to keep track of your accomplishments at lower tempos and not focus on the fast tempos you can't do because that's a sure recipe for frustration.

You'll get there, I am certain of it. If your ceiling is at 200 it will take about 2 months of doing this to break it

My girlfriend practices her banjo breaks and rolls like this and she can play some of those at breakneck speeds after only 2 years of practicing starting from "don't know how to hold a banjo" to "you've been only playing for 2 years? Then you are really talented". Talented? Bullshit, just efficient practicing!

EDIT: this system is for 8ths and triplet licks. For 16th licks like this one start at 60 BPM, the rest is the same.

--- Last Edited by Christiaan van Hemert at 2013-04-08 04:33:36 ---
Thanks for the replies.

Ok, I'll stick with it. I've always done alternate picking when picking multiple notes on the same string but in this case I guess the idea is since the next note (after the 2 notes on the same string) is on the next string down it is more efficient to use a downstroke so that it is like sweep picking.

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