Board >> Music Theory >> when to use dim arpeggios?

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Im not fluent in music theory per se, so i was wondering if any of you guys had any tips on when and how to use dim runs and other common gj arpeggios/licks etc.

Diminished arpeggios are used mostly on dominant 7th chords. On a dom 7th, start the dim arpeggio on the third, b5, seventh or b9th. Those uses will work on any dominant chord.

Example: on E7 start the diminished arpeggio from the notes G, Bb, D or F.

They are also used, obviously, on diminished chords. A good example is the diminished chord in "Duke and Dukie". That's a pure diminished sound which is not implying a dominant chord.

Diminished chords are often used as a substitute for a dominant chord, particularly a VI7 chord.
Like in "Yours and Mine" there's a C#dim chord, but this is really functioning as an A7 chord. So you can play the C#dim or the A7 sound.

The same thing with "Embraceable You", there's another VI7 chord substituted with a diminished chord.

Theory like that is good to know when you start improvising. Ultimately, you'll hear where to use them when you know enough of Stochelos solos.
for E7
the dim7 arpeggios are G#,B,D,F

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